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Aspen Art Museum


Summer Camps

2024 Summer Camps

This summer, the Aspen Art Museum will offer the one on-site camps listed below, and four additional off-site camp workshops in collaboration with ACES. Participants will enjoy a variety of art projects, games, stories, and other fun activities to explore the weekly theme of their camps.

Members will automatically receive a 10% discount at checkout by using the email connected to their Membership card.

Registration for both ACES and AAM Summer Camps will open on March 4, 2024

For more information, please email us at

Applicable to all 2024 AAM Summer Camps:


9 AM–12 PM

$200/$180 AAM Members 10% off

Max 10 participants per session.
Location: On-site at the Aspen Art Museum Workshop

Insects and Animals

June 10–14
(Ages 5–7)
Learn to make your favorite insects and animals using various colorful materials. Day Camp–goers will explore shape, form, and texture while bringing their beloved crawly friends to life!

ACES + AAM Summer Camp

Art in Nature Series

The Aspen Art Museum and Aspen Center for Environmental Studies are excited to announce their collaborative Summer Camps for kids entering kindergarten in Fall 2024! Participants will learn about birds, bugs, animals, trees, and flowers, and create artwork based on inspiration from each theme! Nature lends itself to fun, games, and the opportunity to create playful art.

$200, $180 ACES/AAM Members (10% discount)
Members of both organizations should select the member price tuition label at the time of registration. Any questions members have about registration can be directed to

July 1–3: Birds
July 8–12: Bugs
July 15–19: Flowers & Trees
July 22–26: Animals

Time: 9:30 AM–12:30 PM

ACES + AAM Talleres de Verano

Series de Arte en la Naturaleza

El Aspen Art Museum y el Centro de Estudios Ambientales de Aspen (ACES) están entusiasmados en anunciar los talleres de verano colaborativos para niños que ingresarán al kinder en el otoño de 2024. Los participantes aprenderán sobre los pájaros, insectos, animales, árboles y flores. Crearán obras de arte basadas en la inspiración de estos temas. La naturaleza facilita el juego y la diversión, y la oportunidad para crear arte divertida.

$200, $180 miembros ACES/AAM (10% de descuento)
Los miembros de ambas organizaciones deben seleccionar la etiqueta de precio de matrícula para miembros al momento de registrarse. Cualquier pregunta que tenga sobre el registro y descuentos pueden dirigirse a correo electrónico:

Julio 1–3: Aves
Julio 8–12: Insectos
Julio 15–19: Flores y árboles
Julio 22–26: Animales

Horario: 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

AAM education programs are made possible by the Questrom Education Fund.