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Free, drop-in spotlight tours led by museum staff are offered every Wednesday and Saturday at 1 p.m.
This after-school program for kids in Grades K–4 is held most Wednesdays during the school year at the AAM. Museum Educators lead classes that include activities in the gallery and take-home projects.
Join historians and professional actors from Aspen Historical Society at the AAM for a live performance of A Briefly Complete History of Aspen! Chronicling area history, three actors play multiple roles as they act out the past in an exciting romp through time featuring song, dance, parody, and hilarity. Buckle up for this entertaining trip through Aspen’s exciting past!
Soup’s on! Inspired by the former Soupsköl competition, Soupsköl 2.0 joins the 2020 Wintersköl Celebration with a new take on the legendary soup-making contest. SO Café and guest restaurants in Aspen will compete for the best soup and offer additional tasty bites, complimentary Wintersköl cocktails provided by Woody Creek Distillers, as well as beer & wine for purchase, and entertainment from DJ Dylan. SO, get your soup on and vote for your favorite! Free to attend and open to everyone!
Monthly drop-in Family Workshops at the AAM are designed to provide children and adults free opportunities to explore the galleries and create works of art on their own. Families are encouraged to communicate, reflect, and produce as artists together.
Free, drop-in spotlight tours led by museum staff are offered every Wednesday and Saturday at 1 p.m.
Are you looking for an intimate, constructive environment to gain new perspectives on your artwork? Adopting art school’s format of group feedback, this program provides a selected group of artists from the local community with valuable insight from an arts professional. This session is led by Cortney Lane Stell, Executive Director & Chief Curator at Black Cube and AAM’s Artist Programs Coordinator, Teresa Booth Brown.
Free, drop-in spotlight tours led by museum staff are offered every Wednesday and Saturday at 1 p.m.
This after-school program for kids in Grades K–4 is held most Wednesdays during the school year at the AAM. Museum Educators lead classes that include activities in the gallery and take-home projects.
Aspen Words is participating in a community pop-up as part of Abraham Cruzvillegas’s exhibition Hi, how are you Gonzo?* The core of the exhibition is collaborative and educational, with various activations by community groups that are designed to generate an exchange of ideas.
Hours |
Tuesday–Sunday, 10 AM–6 PM
Closed Mondays
General operating support is provided by Colorado Creative Industries. CCI and its activities are made possible through an annual appropriation from the Colorado General Assembly and federal funds from the National Endowment for the Arts.
General operating support is provided by Colorado Creative Industries. CCI and its activities are made possible through an annual appropriation from the Colorado General Assembly and federal funds from the National Endowment for the Arts.