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Aspen Art Museum


Current Attractions

Jul 28, 2017
3:00 PM
637 E. Hyman Ave.

Choose your own adventures through the exhibition Wade Guyton Peter Fischli David Weiss. Enticing stations of art making, music, food, and happenings throughout the museum bring unexpected ways to engage with art.

3 PM: Untitled Performance
Galleries 4 & 5
6–8 year old AAM Summer Workshop participants and SOULSKIN Dance present a site-specific dance amongst the Fischli and Weiss works.

3:30 PM: Rat and Bear (Sleeping) Tour
The work Rat and Bear (Sleeping) is brought to life through this interactive, dress-up tour. Costumes will be provided!

4–7 PM: Visible World Virtual Reality
Gallery 1 / Lobby
Experience the world and the museum in unexpected ways through virtual reality, presented by the Isaacson School for New Media at Colorado Mountain College.

4–7 PM: Appropriation Printmaking Station
Education Workshop
Create your own experimental print of found images using traditional techniques and inkjet printers.

5–7 PM: Son et Lumière Sky Lookout
Roof Deck Sculpture Garden
Join Aspen Science Center to track the changing light as we move into dusk, using a solar observation telescope and astronomy skills. Photosensitive paper and other interactive materials offer playful explorations into the painterly powers of light.

5–7 PM: Flowers and Mushrooms Menu
SO Café
Enjoy beverages and snacks prepared with plant life.

AAM education programs are made possible by the Questrom Education Fund.

Major support for Wade Guyton Peter Fischli David Weiss is provided by the AAM National Council, Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson, Gabriela and Ramiro Garza, and Susan and Larry Marx. Additional support is provided by Gayle and Paul Stoffel.